Salinger, J.D.

Saul, John

Saunders, Craig

Spiggot (2012) 6.5/10

The Walls Of Madness (2012) 7/10

The Estate (2013) 9/10

Schultz, C.W.

Yeval (2007) 6.5/10

Selby Jr, Hubert

Last Exit To Brooklyn (1966) 9/10

The Room (1971) 7.5/10

Seltzer, David

The Omen (1976) 9/10

Sharman, Nick

The Cats (1977) 7/10

Shaw, Matt

Happy Ever After (2008) 9.5/10

G.S.O.H. Essential (2011) 9/10

A Fresh Start (2012) 8/10

9 Months: Book One (2012) 7/10

9 Months: Book Two (2012) 7.5/10

9 Months: Book Three (2012) 8.5/10

9 Months: Trilogy (2012) 8/10

Peter (2012) 8/10

All Good Things (2012) 9.5/10

Once Upon A Time (2013) 8/10

Sick B*stards (2014) 9/10

Rotting Dead F*cks (2014) 7/10

SickER B*stards (2014) 8.5/10

SickEST B*stards (2015) 8.5/10

Ted (2015) 7.5/10

Monster (2015) 9/10

Rotting Living F*cks (2016) 8/10

Fisting Rex (2016) 6/10

One Violent Motherf*cker (2016) 8/10

Box (2017) 7.5/10

Postal (2017) 7.5/10

Boys' Night (2017) 8/10

Sick (2017) 8/10

The Game (2017) 7.5/10

His Name Was Peter (2017) 10/10

Dribble (2018) 8.5/10

Before Vanessa (2019) 6.5/10

A Nightmare On Elm Street: Up All Night (2020) 8.5/10

Pest (2020) 7/10

Shelley, Mary

The Last Man (1826) 6.5/10

Shiel, M.P.

The Purple Cloud (1901) 7/10

Shirley, John

Wetbones (1992) 8/10

Showalter, Gena

Shute, Nevile

On The Beach (1957) 9/10

Simmons, Dan

Carrion Comfort (1989) 6.5/10

Simmons, Wayne

Flu (2010) 8.5/10

The Girl In The Basement (2014) 9/10

Voodoo Child (2015) 7/10

Sloman, Phil

Becoming David (2016) 8/10

Smith, Bryan

Smith, Guy N.

Werewolf By Moonlight (1974) 8/10

Sexy Confessions Of A Window Cleaner (1974) 6/10

The Sucking Pit (1975) 7/10

The Slime Beast (1975) 8/10

Night Of The Crabs (1976) 9.5/10

The Ghoul (1976) 7/10

Night Of The Werewolf (1976) 5.5/10

The Truckers: No. 1 - The Black Knights (1977) 7/10

The Truckers: No.2 - Hi-Jack! (1977) 8.5/10

Return Of The Werewolf (1977) 6.5/10

Bamboo Guerillas (1977) 9/10

Killer Crabs (1978) 9/10

Bats Out Of Hell (1978) 8.5/10

The Son Of The Werewolf (1978) 7/10

A Bargain Bumper Treble (1978) 8/10

The Origin Of The Crabs (1979) 7.5/10

Locusts (1979) 8/10

Deathbell (1980) 8.5/10

Thirst (1980) 8.5/10

Satan's Snowdrop (1980) 9.5/10

Caracal (1980) 8/10

Doomflight (1981) 7/10

Crabs On The Rampage (1981) 8.5/10

Sabat 1 - The Graveyard Vultures (1982) 9/10

Sabat 2 - The Blood Merchants (1982) 7/10

The Pluto Pact (1982) 8/10

The Lurkers (1982) 7/10

Sabat 3 - Cannibal Cult (1982) 8.5/10

Blood Circuit (1983) 6/10

Sabat 4 - The Druid Connection (1983) 9/10

Crabs' Moon (1984) 6.5/10

The Walking Dead (1984) 6.5/10

Throwback (1985) 8/10

The Wood (1985) 6/10

Cannibals (1986) 9/10

Thirst II: The Plague (1987) 7/10

Demons (1987) 7/10

Crabs: The Human Sacrifice (1988) 7.5/10

Fiend (1988) 7/10

The Festering (1989) 8.5/10

The Black Fedora (1991) 7/10

The Cadaver [Chapbook] (1991) 8/10

The Knighton Vampires (1993) 9/10

The Hangman (1994) 8/10

Dead Meat (1997) 8.5/10

Horror Shorts - 1st Collection (1999) 7/10

Horror Shorts - 2nd Collection (2001) 7/10

Come On In And Join Us [Chapbook] (2004) 7/10

The Cadaver (2008) 8.5/10

Maneater (2009) 8/10

Crabs' Armada [Chapbook] (2009) 7.5/10

Crustacean Vengeance [Chapbook] (2009) 7.5/10

The Decoy [Chapbook] (2009) 7.5/10

The Last Train [Chapbook] (2009) 6.5/10

The Doll [Chapbook] (2009) 7/10

Crabs: Unleashed - The Collection [Chapbook] (2009) 8.5/10

Crabs: Unleashed [Chapbook] (2009) 8.5/10

Limited Edition [Chapbook] (2009) 8.5/10

Hounds From Hades [E-Chapbook](2009) 7/10

Nightspawn (2010) 7.5/10

Dwellers Of The Dark [Chapbook] (2010) 6.5/10

Mystery & Horror Shorts [Ebook CD) (2010) 6/10

Devil Of The Dark Forest [Newspaper Story] (2010) 7.5/10

The Black Druid [Chapbook] (2011) 8/10

Killer Crabs: The Return (2012) 8/10

Spawn Of The Slime Beast (2015)  7.5/10

Crabs Omnibus (2015) 8/10

Beneath The Blue Blanket [Chapbook] (2015)  7.5/10

The Haunting Of Pocklington's Walk [Chapbook] (2016)  5.5/10

Dangerous Wild Animals In Britain [Chapbook] (2017) 5/10

Haunting At The Wain House [Chapbook] (2018) 5.5/10

Werewolf Omnibus (2019) 7.5/10

The Charnel Caves (2019) 8.5/10

The Power Of The Pendulum [Chapbook] (2019) 4.5/10

Tales From The Graveyard (2020) 7.5/10

Beheaded (2021) 9/10

Smith, Michael Marshall

The Anomaly (2018) 7/10

Smith, Phil

Smythe, James

The Machine (2013) 8.5/10

Southard, Nate

Staley, Shane Ryan

The Cleansing (2005) 9/10

Starlin, Jim & Graziunas, Daina

Among Madmen (1990) 8/10

Starr, Jason

The Pack (2011) 3/10

Steinbeck, John

Of Mice And Men (1937) 10/10

Sternbergh, Adam

Shovel Ready (2014) 7/10

Stevenson, John

The Blind Alley [Fastback] (1985) 3.5/10

Stewart, George R.

Earth Abides (1949) 8.5/10

Stoker, Bram

Dracula (1897) 10/10

Strandberg, Mats

Blood Cruise (2018) 7.5/10

Swift, E. J.

Osiris [Book One Of The Osiris Project] (2012) 4/10

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