Bantry, Jack

Chamberlin, Adrian

Darker Battlefields (2016) 8.5/10

Cotterill, Steve

Weird Ales: Another Round [Weird Ales Book 2] (2016) 7/10

Cuddon, J.A.

Dark Continents Publishing

Dark Delicacies

Conjuring Dark Delicacies [Cookbook] (1999) 4/10

Darkwater Syndicate

Davis, Alex

After The Fall (2014) 7/10

Reality Bites (2015) 7/10

Drinkel, Dean M.

Phobophobia (2011) 7.5/10

The Demonologia Biblicia [Tres Librorum Prohibitorum Book 1] (2013) 7/10

The Bestiarum Vocabulum [Tres Librorum Prohibitorum Book 2] (2013) 8.5/10

Phobophobias (2014) 8/10

Fearon Education

Descendants Of Eve (1989) 6/10

After Midnight (1989) 5/10

Goldberg, Lee & Rabkin, William

Green, Jonathan

Haining, Peter

Henk, Dan

The Never Dead (2023) 7/10

Hersham Horror Books

The Woods [PentAnth Book 6] (2019) 7/10

Hitchcock, Alfred

The Graveyard Man (1968) 6.5/10

Howe, Adam

Wrestle Maniacs (2018) 8/10

Jackson, Neil

Creature Feature (2009) 8/10

Laymon, Kelly

Excitable Boys (2002) 7/10

Light, Adam & Evans

Bad Apples 3 (2016) 7/10

Morris, Mark

Price, Robert M.

Prescott, John

M Is For Monster (2010) 8/10

Dreaming In Darkness (2013) 9/10

Remic, Andy

Vivisepulture (2011) 7/10

Shaw, Matt

The Devil's Guests (2017) 8/10

Masters Of Horror (2017) 8.5/10

Shepard, Leslie

Sinister Horror Company, The

Smith, Guy N.

Teague, Christopher C.

Nasty Snips (1999) 6/10

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