DLS Reviews offers up an
ever-growing number of insightful and in-depth interviews with a large
spectrum of horror authors and other such individuals. Each interview
will hopefully probe deeply into the various aspects of their writing
process and bring you inside information on who they are and more about
their work.
Interviews will be added to the website as and when they occur. No interviews will be removed, but additional interviews with the same authors may well be added over time...
Interviews will be added to the website as and when they occur. No interviews will be removed, but additional interviews with the same authors may well be added over time...
Author / Interviewee:
Ayre, Richard
Butcher, Jonathan
Henk, Dan
Holloway, William
Mcleod, Jim
Moody, David
Park, Justin
Power, Kit
Ralston, Duncan
Sloman, Phil
Interviewed October 2018 (post ‘A Dog Is For Death’ / pre tale ‘Les Vacances’)
Smith, Guy N
Wilde, Barbie