Running from April 1995 to October 2000, across a total of 75 comic issues, Garth Ennis’ now legendary ‘Preacher’ graphic novel series has become one of the best loved modern day gritty horror thrillers around. In fact, Garth Ennis is probably best known for the ‘Preacher’ series, closely followed by the outrageously uber-violent ‘Crossed’ graphic novels.
The ‘Preacher’ story follows the character of Reverend Jesse Custer who’s been infiltrated by a half-angel-half-demon entity named Genesis. Together with his two companions, Custer is on a quest to find God, who deserted heaven after Genesis was created. Along the way they will come across a multitude of maniacs and madmen, saints and sinners, and all the perversions that mankind has the imagination to conjure up.
For in the gritty world of ‘The Preacher’, damn near anything is possible…
The ‘Preacher’ story follows the character of Reverend Jesse Custer who’s been infiltrated by a half-angel-half-demon entity named Genesis. Together with his two companions, Custer is on a quest to find God, who deserted heaven after Genesis was created. Along the way they will come across a multitude of maniacs and madmen, saints and sinners, and all the perversions that mankind has the imagination to conjure up.
For in the gritty world of ‘The Preacher’, damn near anything is possible…