Originally Published In Issue 62

Reprinted In Issue 121

First published back in July of 1973, Issue 62 of the ‘Pocket Chiller Library’ comic series was titled ‘Face In The Fog’. The comic was later reprinted under the same title within Issue 121.

During the 1970s the ‘Pocket Chiller Library’ was a pocket-sized mainstream horror comic which ran for a total of 137 issues between 1971 and 1977. Each month, two issues of the comic were published, amounting to a total of twenty-four issues of the comic published each year.

However, it should be noted that issue 83 and then from issue 86 onwards, the publishers started reprinting the earlier stories. Of these reprints, the first 29 reprints (issues 83 and then 86 – 113) retitled the story. As such, there were only ever a total of 84 unique stories within the series, despite there being more titles.

Unfortunately, each issue was undated, making it difficult to be sure of the date for first publication of each issue. However, it is widely understood the comics were monthly publications, with two publications released simultaneously each month, with the original stories running from January 1971. Therefore, the above date of publication is a relatively reasonable assumption. 

Additionally, each issue was unfortunately uncredited to either the writer or the comic artist(s).

DLS Synopsis:
In a thick blanket of fog, the motor yacht ‘Ocean Gipsy’ rode at anchor in the dark waters of McDiarmid’s Bay. The party aboard the yacht had been holidaying in Scotland. Of those aboard, only Angela Lake was bothered by the fog.

Angela had never known a fog like the one which now encircled the yacht. There seemed to be something unspeakably evil about it. Something which terrified Angela as she stood out on deck staring into the think, impenetrable blanket.

Then from out of the fog, a ghostly face emerged, accompanied by a terrible voice like someone in agony. A vision so ghastly Angela slipped into unconsciousness the second she was back inside with her friends. Whilst all about the yacht, the clinging mist drifted and moved as if a life of its own.

However, despite the ‘Ocean Gipsy’ making it safely back ashore soon afterwards, what visited Angela within that thick swirling fog remained. Even after Angela and her roommate return to London, the ghostly presence from that terrifying encounter continues to haunt Angela.

For the presence which lingered in the fog at McDiarmid’s Bay, now seeks vengeance for a past betrayal. And Angela is the one it is after…

DLS Review:
They say never judge a book by its cover. Well, for this PCL you absolutely can. The story is every bit as good as the illustrative cover depicts. In fact, the artwork has absolutely nailed the opening section of the comic in one insanely good, horror-packed illustration.

Essentially, we’ve got a ghostly figure, reeking of rotting seaweed and slime, who haunts the Scottish bay whereupon this small group of holidaymakers get caught in a thick blanket of fog. Whilst they’re anchored in this fog, our protagonist in the story, Angela Lake, encounters the vile undead being and desperately batters it away with a big ole’ fishing hook, before subsequently fainting.

Turns out the yacht they’re on is the very same one in which a guy called Max Elliot was murdered by his wife and her lover many years ago! His body was then cast into the dark, fog enshrouded waters whilst the murderous lovers departed to begin a life together. The ghost of Max Elliot now haunts the bay, and unfortunately for Angela, it thinks she’s his wife who betrayed him!

As such, following the opening action of the attack on the yacht, the remainder of the tale sees us in London, where poor old Angela is now being stalked by this reeking ghostly presence.

Of course, the only thing she can do is call in the help of a medium she knows named Mrs Casey, to hopefully find out what’s going on and how to be rid of this ghastly being. What follows is absolute classic PCL horror, with the most ludicrously contrived of situations instigating the second big encounter with rotting Max, before leading us to a dramatic séance, and finally the wonderfully satisfying twist ending.

Aside from the wacky horror, some of the best bits of the comic are the delightfully dated and hilariously cliched dialogue. None more so than the yacht’s new owner – Alan. “She’s fainted! Get me some brandy, someone”. The man is a hero is nothing else!

The story is classic PCL material. The accompanying illustrative artwork is relatively good, although notably not as detailed, or indeed as gruesome as with some of the other PCL offerings. However, the narrative more than makes up for this, with plenty of over-the-top descriptions delivering an evocative emphasis to every twist and turn in the story.

The comic book runs for a total of 64 pages.

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