First published back in November of 1991, issue twelve of Epic Comics’ serial adaptation of Clive Barker’s ‘Nightbreed’ sported the subtitle ‘The Masks Of God’.
The first four issues of the ‘Nightbreed’ comics closely followed the storyline of the film, only slightly veering away from it with minor details. The twenty-one issues that followed continued on with the Nightbreed legacy – creating whole new spin-off storylines that would eventually bring in aspects from some of Barker’s other work.
DLS Synopsis:
With the camp reeling from Tezcatlipoca’s attack, Carlos leads the survivors away from their camp with the promise of finding rescue. Meanwhile Tezcatlipoca is at heads with Izpapolotl; the slaughter he was responsible for going against their code of nightbreed honour.
Back in the jungle, the group’s trek through the thick undergrowth has led them to the temple ruins that Harper was so desperate to avoid. For both Harper and Carlos know that the ferocious fanged beast that slaughtered two of their party resides within.
However, Angie now has her article at the forefront of her mind. The idea of finally capturing something of such importance would undoubtedly be a sure-fire way of getting The Advocate to talk to her. Her career in journalism would explode. And that would make it all worth it.
But Tezcatlipoca has a way of exploiting naturals. And he is impatient for his sacrifice…
DLS Review:
Concluding the two-part ‘Masks Of God’ story, writer Daniel Chichester continues his conflict between the two ancient Nightbreed Gods – Tezcatlipoca and Izpapolotl, alongside the desperate plight of the terrified jungle explorers.
With the previous issue concluding with Tezcatlipoca’s attack on the explorers, the continuation of the story starts off feeling a tad reserved. In fact, there’s barely a whisper of beastly bloodshed within the majority of the comic; instead focussing on Izpapolotl’s response to the blasphemous actions of Tezcatlipoca and journalist mother Angie’s confrontation with the beast.
Interesting, a somewhat risqué coupling between the desperate journalist and the ferocious beast Tezcatlipoca is hinted upon, with carefully angled pictures giving the reader a mere suggestion of these sordid activities.
And then from here until the end Chichester really cranks up the horror element in the story. Ritualistic sacrifice and god-on-god conflict dominates the final third of the comic. Furthermore, the artwork that tells the story is absolutely spot on. The murder and bloodshed looks graphic. Each of the characters play out their own little roles. And ultimately the story ends with a satisfying note that wraps the whole thing up pretty darn nicely.
The comic runs for a total of 28 pages (plus an additional page for the ‘Breeding Ground’ which once again comprises of a letters page).
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