With his first novel published back in 1989, British horror/sci-fi author Mark Morris has already had a fair old run as a genre author. Starting off with horror fiction, with definite notes of both Stephen King and Clive Barker within his highly imaginative dark fiction; Morris has not only developed as an author since those early releases, but has also delved into the science fiction and move tie-in areas – most notably with his novels based on the Doctor Who series.
In 2001, Morris used the pseudonym, J. M. Morris, for his novel ‘Fiddleback’ (2001); later planning a second novel utilising the same pseudonym with ‘Nowhere Near An Angel’ (2005). However, his publisher rejected the novel under this pseudonym (it was later published in a limited edition pressing under his real name by PS Publishing). To date Morris has not returned to the J. M. Morris pseudonym.
More recently, Morris has taken to penning movie tie-in novels and the like, such as with his novelisations ‘Dead Island’ (2011), ‘Vampire Circus’ (2012) and ‘Noah’ (2014).
Although the below list of novels, collections and short stories is reasonably exhaustive – it is not complete. I have kept with the overall essence of DLS Reviews, and as such, made the decision to only include the author’s work which would fall within the website’s still reasonably large catchment area – this being horror, sci-fi, thriller, sleaze etc. Furthermore, I have also limited the sci-fi aspect, so as not to include the television tie-in novels which do not really fall within the area covered by this website. Therefore, Morris’s Doctor Who, Torchwood and Hellboy novels have been stripped out.