The year was 2048 when the global economy hit an all-time low, with resources depleting at a rate too fast to replenish. Even with the world’s technologies for preservation, humanity was on its knees, and with that, mankind became desperate. The inevitable eventually became reality – nuclear war broke out, decimating the entire globe within a matter of days.

During those days of nuclear Armageddon, Joseph hid away within the dark wine cellar attached to his rented accommodation. He waited until the world stopped shaking..(more)

From Guy N Smith’s gigantic flesh-hungry crabs in ‘Night Of The Crabs’ to James Herbert’s swarming hordes of savage black rats in ‘The Rats’; creatures on the rampage have always been a sure-fire premise for delivering an action-packed and nail-biting pulp horror novel.

Over the years, horror authors have produced novels utilising a veritable array of creatures. DLS Reviews offers up an impressively comprehensive list of these novels, broken down by the various species of rampaging beastie.



Whether it’s a zombie outbreak, a post-nuclear dystopian world, a plague epidemic, a massive natural disaster or an extra-terrestrial threat... end of the world fiction will always catch the imagination of its readers.  Although this is certainly not a complete list, DLS Reviews does however offer up an impressive list with accompanying reviews of a large number of post-apocalyptic novels.  And the list will keep on growing until the end if days...



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